Another movie review

February 25, 2007

Yesterday, I went to see Music and Lyrics. There were a couple of laughs–chiefly the send up of 80’s music videos. Mostly, though, it was Hugh Grant trying too hard and Drew Barrymore not trying hard enough. In the words of ‘Men on Film’ from In Living Color, “Hated it!”

The Devil Wears Prada

February 15, 2007

I just watched this movie on DVD.  I can see why Meryl is nominated for an Oscar.

In fact, she is SO good in her role, that the ending rings rather hollow.  Girl quits and follows her dream to be a journalist and all turns out well.  But Meryl Streep brought such humanity to Miranda Priestly that I couldn’t hate her; I loved her and wondered why anyone would quit working for her.

Especially with all the free clothes and a trip to Paris.

Although if six is fat, then I’m ginormous.

Very provocative

February 13, 2007

This take on the Apostle Paul’s comments on women keeping silent in the church. Your thoughts?

Not to be picky, but . . .

February 8, 2007

I just happened to catch part of an episode of Little House on the Prairie with Johnny Cash and June Carter-Cash in which he plays a con-man pretending to be a visiting pastor.  He learns to be good, as is required on all LHOTP episodes.  I thought the Cashes did a nice bit of acting, but I was disappointed that Johnny’s only singing was “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” and no singing at all from June.  As the program ended, Johnny Cash walked out of the church to the congregation singing “In the Garden.”  I thought to myself, “Hmmmmm, I think that song was written in the 20th century.”  I was right.  It’s a little thing, but I hate it when people don’t do their homework.  At least they were right about My Bonnie.

Try these on for size:

Ultimate Bible Quiz 

How Well Do You Know Your Bible?

I got 100% on the first one, but the second is MUCH harder, so I either need to read through the Bible and then take it or cheat.  That seems like a wrong option on a Bible test.  How’d you do?

There’s no joy

February 4, 2007

in Mudville.

Secret Pal 9 officially ended yesterday.  Some packages are still on their way.  Swappers, be sure to let me know if you haven’t had a final package in which your secret pal revealed her identity.

Sign up for Secret Pal 10 here.  Here’s the info:

Sign-ups: Feb 1 thru Feb 28th
Matches sent: By March 15th
Secret Pal 10: March 15th through June 30th

Please read through the rules for the swap before you sign up and make sure you can fulfill the commitment.  Almost everyone who returned our group survey (THANKS!) said the best part was the regular contact.

For those of you in my swap group:  here’s a list of my swappers’ blogs.  If you are still waiting to find out who your pal is–check out these blogs and see if you can guess!

Crafty Bean

Sour Cherries

Knit Exploits 

Maschas Nadelspiel 

Purls and Tails (having a contest that ends TODAY!)

Mei Flower

A Knitter in Transition 

Touch the Spindle


Three Sheeps to the Wind

Cigars on the Porch

Couleur tricot

Ramblings of a KnitWit 


Knit to Know 

Purly Sue

Deborah Knits

Alaskan Mom from California

Dyann Knits 

Boo Knits

Vegan Knitting . . . and then some . . . 

étoile à tricoter



Unfurnished Brooklyn

Yarn Snob

The adventures of SanFaerieAnne

Knitting Genie

even before we can speak we are being spoken

Knitting for Sanity

The Fairy GodKnitter 

JAG Walden Knits 

Juli’s Jots

Karla’s Korner 

All my Great (or not so Great) Adventures 

3 Grrrls Knit

The Inconsistent Mixer 


Knitty Kitty 

The KnitMaker 

Some Bunny’s Love

It’s my  world, join me, won’t you?




Notes on a Blotter 

Yarn It

Laura’s Knitting Blog 

A King’s Life


Dimples Designs 



Two sticks and some string!

Olive Knitting


Zan Knits 

Knot tonight, I’m knitting 


I hope these all work; Blogger was crazy this morning.  Or was it just me?