OSSP is at it again!

July 12, 2006

*****Pictures of gorgeous stuff heavy****
My Amazing One Skein Secret Pal has struck again! I have to say I wrote to the powers that be at Interweave to brag about her and ask that they crown her the OSSP goddess. Waiting to hear back; I’ll keep you posted. Just received a very nice note from Jamie our moderator, and she said there aren’t current plans to have a Best OSSP, but she’d let me know if they come up with that. In light of that I declare my OSSP–THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!

I also asked to join the One Skein Knit-along to I could sing her praises (that knit cherry pie slice is the cutest thing ever).

I’ll let you have a peek at what she sent (yes, I took individual pictures because I was so excited).

First all the prettily wrapped packages–bright neony color scheme. Very cute. But not too cute to open!

Here’s all the loot put in one place for you to drool. No electrocuting self on laptop, please.

The mystery envelope which piques the curiousity:

Sweet little lip gloss (as before, hiding from nine-year old who takes mother’s cool stuff).

L’il shoe post-it note. (thinking of things to post, because I want to use my notes)

Dragonfly buttons and Eucalan wash (not pictured).

Earrings designed by OSSP to match . . .

drum roll please . . . Hand-dyed yarn called Citrus.

And last, but not least in this cornucopia (or ought I say orchard since the theme is Citrus?) of thoughtfulness is a Nancy Bush sock kit!! I shall muse on the serendipity in that gift in my next post.

Here’s a borrowed picture of the kit, because my pic was indescribably bad. The kit contains Superfine Alpaca and Brittany size one needles. I lurv the yarn color and the cute little size ones. Good Fair Isle practice!

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Thanks, my friend. You are amazing.

4 Responses to “OSSP is at it again!”

  1. Bonzairn Says:

    AWESOME package that you recieved in the mail today!!!!! You are blessed!

  2. Ellen Says:

    The dragonfly buttons are wonderful. Do you have any idea where they came from?

    Anyway, lucky you! What a great package!

  3. lorinda Says:

    Hey Ellen, checking with OSSP about the buttons. I’ll let you know what she says.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    *blushing*Thank you…I’m glad you like your stuff.
    Just so everyone knows the needles do not come with the sock kit…I added that in there…You never know when a person might open a package and need to knit immediately.lol. Oh, and the buttons are from as cute as a button dot com under novelty and then under gold shapes.Enjoy!


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