Hey friends,

I had my first job interview in ages yesterday.  And I got the call for a second interview!  Very excited.  I might actually have health benefits post-divorce.  That’s a good thing.  I’ll keep you posted.

Chris (who, along with her kitties, is awesome) mentioned some of these contests on her blog, so you may have seen them.   Stop by and wish her speedy recovery from her surgery.

Angela wants us to go vote for her friend Nikki’s children’s book illustrations.  Very cute.  Post a link encouraging other’s to vote for Nikki and let Angela know; you’ll be entered to win a prize! Fabu yarn.

Pam’s blogiversary contest is fun.  Answer one (or all) or her four knitterly questions and you could win some yarn!  Yay yarn.  Cute kitty modeling the yarn too.

Roxie is giving away some black cashmere yarn for sending in pictures of hands knitting.  The more hands you send (pics of course), the more entries you get.  You’ll be up against Dave who is gunning to win.  And Wednesday is always a good day to stop by his blog.  😉

And of course, the mama of all contests, from a soon-to-be mama herself:  Cara is hosting Spin Out to raise money for Heifer International (what a great cause!).  You would not believe the prizes that our amazing fiber community has donated.   Make a donation to Heifer, let Cara know and be entered to win scads of swag.  It feels good even if you don’t win.

Good luck!