New Contest! sp9’s super short stories.

October 26, 2006

Hey sp9ers (and friends and loved ones of sp9ers):

Anne turned me on to this super idea. I can’t even stand it; I love it so much. Especially the Hemingway one.
So here’s the deal:

Write a short story using six words. One of the words must be fiber related (yarn, needles, hook, you get the idea).

Six words; no more, no less.

How’s that for a start?

And here’s one from ABC, my nine-year old auteur:

I am in love with Charles. Not fibery but clever, very clever.
Spread the word! There will be prizes . . .

(Anne girl, I am SO in love with this idea!)

Edited to add:  I must have erased half this post.  There WILL be prizes (I just about typed ‘probable cause’ because I’m watching Law & Order.)

51 Responses to “New Contest! sp9’s super short stories.”

  1. She talked. I hurled. Goodbye love.

  2. […] I came across this contest for Super Short Stories and thought it would be interesting to enter.  If you get the chance, head on over there and give it a try.  Also, you can read my entry there. […]

  3. Beth Says:

    I mailed yarn today. Beware, Spoilee!

    (also on my blog)

  4. --Deb Says:

    She handed me needles. I’m hooked.

  5. KnicKnac Says:

    Hoarding yarn is a problem? NOT!!!

  6. K Says:

    I couldn’t decide:

    Just one more row before bed.

    The dog has my yarn…. AGAIN!!

  7. Laura Says:

    Here’s mine…
    Yarn store beckons…ATM broken! NOOO!

  8. Kathleen Says:

    Sock knitting is therapy, well-“heel”ed!

  9. --Deb Says:

    I like Laura’s!

  10. Katy Says:

    Prep spinning class? But blogs beckon!

  11. Rain Says:

    OOooo what fun…is this for your group only Lorinda?

  12. Anne Says:

    Lorinda, I finally managed to “spin” out a few on my blog. Or tomorrow I can add them to the comments here (if I get a free second!). *grin* — Anne.

  13. Lynn Says:

    Here’s mine:

    A felted bowl in an hour!

  14. […] Lorinda is having a super short story contest (six words). I can’t quite tell if there’s a prize, but leave a comment with your entry. […]

  15. Danielle Says:

    (Ambiguous knitting content, but you know… imagination.)

    Why’d I start? She hit me.

  16. Becky Says:

    Knitting naked…and the doorbell rang.

  17. tiphanie Says:

    My husband laundered. My sweater felted.

  18. Heide Says:

    Ouch Tiphanie!


    Ugly frogged sweater became lovely socks.

  19. maylin Says:

    To frog, or not to frog?

  20. moraie Says:

    Her dead hands held knitting needles.


    Her shoulders squared, she set to work.

  21. Nicole Says:

    The yarn just kept tangling up.

  22. nihal Says:

    seems funny! i wanna in! here it is:

    She bought yarn and it started.

  23. Laura Says:

    Sticks, no stones. Yarn never hurt!

  24. Mira Says:

    Knit to maintain sanity during exams!

  25. Dyann Says:

    Insomnia, knitted cobwebs in my brain.

  26. Rain Says:

    Arrested yarn molester pleads guilty.

  27. Eva Says:

    Here’s a western one for you.

    Rodeo cowboy’s dilemma–bones knit slowly.

  28. Rain Says:

    I forgot to count…oh boy! Hope this one’s okay…?

    Headlines: Arrested yarn molester pleads guilty!

  29. Tortie cat returned; no mouse today.

  30. Cat yearns to frog all knitting.

  31. mrspao Says:

    Kitten and yarn to make mess.

  32. kdy12570 Says:

    Knitting is my therapy. Gotta problem?

  33. Emily Says:

    Ok here goes:

    Two dogs, one skein, BIG MESS!!!!

  34. Amy Says:

    Me, yarn, needles. It, failure, frogged.

  35. Kenyetta Says:

    Help! Need just one more skein!
    Although I love Laurie’s and Tiffanie’s !

  36. Kimberly Says:

    Hi Lorinda! Here is mine:
    Knitting socks to keep feet warm!

  37. […] Edit: And before I forget AGAIN, my SP9 Hostess Lorinda has issued a challenge. Tell a story that has to do with knitting/crocheting. Bet you think it sounds easy? Here is the catch: it must be in six words. So here is mine for you all to read. I posted “Knitting socks to keep feet warm!” on her comments. Hope that says enough for a story. […]

  38. I knit. I cursed. I frogged. 8-]

  39. Lara Says:

    Yarn is the thread of life.

  40. jen Says:

    “A knitter’s competition; a spun yarn.”

  41. Kay Says:

    Tightly wrapped yarn suffocates frail muse.

  42. sterenig Says:

    So much yarn, never enough time …

  43. Fjellrosa Says:

    I am addiced to yarn, supriced??!

  44. Linda Says:

    Great stuff so far!! Here’s my attempts:

    She never did knit that sweater…
    Life happened between yarn and needles

  45. Niki Says:

    My boyfriend won’t let me knit!

  46. She knit her brow learning crochet.

  47. Dyann Says:

    My meditation: knitting in the round.

  48. cat Says:

    Next: penetrate heart with knitting needles…

  49. keohinani Says:

    At midnight, the yarn became socks.

  50. Arlette Says:

    Sweater didn’t fit him. She traded husbands.

    Didn’t check gauge; scarf became afghan.

  51. Arlette Says:

    Eek — that one should’ve said “Sweater doesn’t fit him? Trade husbands.” Can’t count this late at night.

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